God's Evolution in Animation - This animation was made to capture an interesting sequence of events.

God's Evolution in Animation - This animation was made to capture an interesting sequence of events. There are still many areas to explore, and we will be working on it.

Personally, when there are many questions to answer about the universe, I would go with Pascal's Wager, who set precedence for modern day probability. Pascal Wager states that It is better to believe in god, if that were to drive us in the right direction, and I do believe. By the way, Pascal Wager was not about exploiting people, probability, and planet in the name of god. Pascal Wager is not about which god is better.

#val-u-pro #consulting #group #srikanthskidambi #ssk #Amma #AmmaEcosystem #Eco #Ecosystem #srikanthkidambi #sri #kanth #kant #khan #kann #kuhn #koon #Animation #God #Evolution #Animation #tgif #funfriday #fridayfunny #fridayfun #fri #day #fridayfeeling #fridaythought #pascal #wage #wager #mathematics #probability #belief #val-u-pro #consulting #group #srikanthskidambi #ssk #Amma #AmmaEcosystem #Eco #Ecosystem #srikanthkidambi #sri #kanth #kant #khan #kann #kuhn #koon #Animation #God #Evolution #Animation #tgif #funfriday #fridayfunny #fridayfun #fri #day #fridayfeeling #fridaythought
